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Education Importance |Online Education in Pakistan

                Education Importance 

   Online Education in Pakistan

Education most important part of our life. Our lives depend on an educational perspective. During  Covid-19penedamic, the institution in Pakistan has started online learning. The study explores the students and teachers regarding some limitation.
The advantages including remote learning, accessibility involve difficulty in maintaining academic integrity. These focused to train faculty on using online modalities. They were less of developing lesson plans and increased interactivity.

Online learning systems are web-based software for distributing, managing courses over the internet. The implementation of advancement in technology to direct design and deliver the learning content. In Pakistan, the institutions are using Microsoft Teams Google meet along with their application for video conferencing.
Online education discovers everything you need to know about it.
1.Efficiency2.Affordable3.improved student attendance 4.learning style
1.instability 2.internet issues 3.Isolation 
The current Covid-19crisis has forced many countries to close schools, colleges, and universities to spread the virus. The online study engages the students with education.

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